3D Animation

3D Animation Studio - What Goes on Behind Those Closed Doors

"Many people are confused when they see the word '3D' tagged on in front of the words 'Animation Studio'.

Although animation has been with us for as long as a few decades now, the concept of animation still seem pretty much magical to the layman. 'How do you make drawings come alive on screen?' is what they usually ask.

With the invention of 3D animation technology, the concept of animation becomes even more hazy and mystical to the layman. They still refer to 3D animation as 'drawing' and know not a thing about the process that goes on behind 3D animation.

As the owner of a 3D animation studio, I feel that it is very important to educate my clients on what goes on behind 3D animation production.

The knowledge does not just help them appreciate the service better, but also helps to facilitate the process and manage their expectations.

This is important because it helps our clients achieve what they want and allows us to communicate effectively with them.

This lens hopes to demystify the process of a 3D animation production and unveil what goes on behind the closed doors of a 3D animation studio.

Get prepared for an educational journey!"